

macrame board

a MUST HAVE for making macrame jewelry! these are very durable and last super long, worth every penny. the one on the left is 4 years old, about time for a new one though!

get yours here 👇🏻

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flexible tripod

i absolutely love this flexible "tripod"! mount it to a table, door, chair, you name it. i use it ALL THE TIME for most of my content - and i even have two more, different tripods linked below!

your flexible phone mount 👇🏻

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my most used tool, my angel, my savior. when working with silver, sanding, polishing.. this dremel is one hell of a hero and will literally save you hours, not to mention that it's a bargain of a hand tool!

make it yours 👇🏻

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ring measuring set

one thing i wouldn't want to miss in my studio is this ring size gauge and size chart mandrel. while the ring sizers are made to give you an easy time measuring your own or your customers ring size, you'll need the mandrel everytime you want to find out what size a ring is!

get the set 👇🏻

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